㈜엠지케이는 특히 RARE GAS 공급에 강점을 가지고 있습니다. 현재 반도체 산업과 전구 산업에 많은 거래선이 있으며 기타 혼합가스 제조용으로 다량 공급하고 있습니다.

Krypton Gas

Used to manufacture fluorescent lights, halogen headlights and in some photograpic flashes, as well as excimer lasers.

Neon Gas

Used to fill neon signs, in electron and fluorescent tubes, refirgeration, as a voltage regqulator, in gas lasers and research.

Xenon Gas

Used in high intensity lights due to its natural "daylight" color temperature, high-efficiency incandescent bulb, plasma display panels, operating room and examination lighting and in ultraviolet lasers.